
Saturday, April 15, 2017


It's not just me, but it's several people I know: fatigue, lethargy, lacking in luster.  Those who say it's Mercury in Retrograde may be right--but that ends today, so maybe I'll perk up.  Those who say it's the barometric pressure or pollen may be right, too.

I mostly want to nap all day, but I'm going to rouse myself and do noon yoga, get some green juice, see if that perks up my energy and puts the wind back in my flagging sails.

At any rate, I'm excited about a geographical change mid-week, and seeing my Leary family, and watching Jackson and Marcus play lacrosse.

Part 2:

Yoga was canceled, so I spent the entire day doing what we're often advised to do in yoga and other exercise classes: Listen to your body.  Mine said stay in bed all day, eat popcorn, watch Netflix, and sleep.

Maybe that's the remedy.  I'll know in the morning....

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