
Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday the 13th

We have a tradition in our family of calling each other on our birthdays, and yesterday was my sweetest-ever son-in-law's 50th!

I just woke up to a thank-you-for-the gift text from Tom and realized I had snoozed during the dinner hour and didn't wake up til 2:00.  What?  It's not December 12th anymore?  I missed it? 

The second thought: "Where is it?"--the "it" being the pain in my legs that has woken me at two in the morning for weeks.  So I get to bypass the middle-of-the-night hot pad and pills.  Yay!

My very-young orthopedist, Dr. Skunda, had given me a cortisone shot in each knee--and had advised me not to take the oral steroids awaiting pick-up at Central Market. "These go straight into the knee where you need them," he said--as I was making appropriate sound effects at the intrusion of a needle in the knee.

I asked if I could have copies of the x-rays he had on the screen, so now I have some photos I might use on my annual Christmas cards, if I did annual Christmas cards!

I also asked, "If I had been more athletic in my youth, might I have prevented this?"

Actually, he said, some athletics are hard on the knees and contribute to arthritis, so no.  It's genetic, apparently, or random, who knows?  Whatever it is, it's temporarily silenced and I can gratefully get on with the holidays!

After the shots, I was woozy.  Pam offered to pick me up but instead I met her at Dry Dock for yummy fried shrimp, then came home and fell asleep.  I'm new to Dry Dock, but plan on being a regular.  My taste buds pronounced it way better than Sea Island and other local shrimperies.

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