
Friday, November 4, 2022

A Giant Squid Dances for Three Hours at Helotes Elementary Pawfest

Last Friday night, unconnected to anything, invited by no one, Elena (after donning her inflatable squid costume) danced for three hours.  I have tried several times, with no success, to post the video clips her dad sent me because it is impossible to watch without smiling. 

Other kids and parents milled around, some looking, some not paying any attention at all. But she kept dancing, oblivious to everything but the music and the dance.  I was reminded of one of Day's favorite adages, "Dance like nobody's looking."

She was, as Joseph Campbell wrote, "following her bliss."  Ignoring critics.  Being in the flow.  Not caring what anyone thought of her.  

So what comes close to that for me and you?  What do we do that allows us to lose track of time, ignore the news, and be fully present in the flow in what we're making or dancing or planting?

For me, it's taking an art classes and trying out new techniques.

I love the Handmade Book Club.  I don't need more blank books, but Ali Manning (the mama of the group) and lots of guest teachers incorporate so many techniques that it becomes more than just making books.  I've learned so much about watercolors and markers, lettering, binding, and beautiful papers that can be used for pages and covers.  I've learned that all machine-made paper has a grain to it, just as fabric does.  And I continue to be amazed at the creativity members bring to the table.

If you are interested:

Three times a year, Ali and her team lead a five day challenge for $10.  Absolutely the most bang for bucks out there in the paper crafting world!  Membership is open to new members at the end of the five day challenge--for $25 a month, an incredible bargain with an extensive library of tutorials, virtual retreats, and a Facebook group for members to post what they make.

A few days later, membership is closed until the next challenge.

The next five day challenge starts right after Thanksgiving, November 28th:  Copic stitched binding. 

Nellie and I are also taking one of Lyn Belisle's online classes on making spirit boxes--which I've previously mentioned. Her classes, in person or online, are always wonderful!

Whenever I don't get my eight hours of sleep, it's not because I have insomnia.  It's because I have stepped into the rabbit hole of dancing like nobody's looking.  Because nobody is....

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