
Friday, December 30, 2022


Yesterday was a day of so much kindness I'd like to bottle it for the new year!

The kindness of friends and family, always Number One.  The Airrosti doc lets St. Lucia wander all over his office space until he actually does the treatment on my feet--when said saint jumps all the way from the floor to the table to sit protectively on top of me. The kindness of strangers, like the men at the car wash. 

Freda took Luci for a long walk in the sunshine.  When Luci hears Freda's voice on the phone, she 'bout knocks me down with her joy.   She would if she were much more than eleven pounds.

Meanwhile, my little Virginia grand-pup Tucker got into a bar of dark chocolate left on the coffee table.  His heart was racing, his pulse over the top.  One large bar of dark chocolate can do that to a small dog.The initial charge for the emergency vet was $2500--though they kindly refunded about half that because Tucker didn't need much more than an injection of potassium and overnight observation after he threw up the chocolate bar. 

It's often the little things that can turn a day.  A phone call, a word of reassurance, a listening heart, a letter or email, a waggy tail.  

As I go about my errands this morning, I hope to encounter and deliver more patches of kindness.  

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