My blog page has been indecipherable since my last post. It took Daniel, the computer man, about two minutes to switch it from "HTML view" to "Compose." And five minutes more to fix my long-stalled printer. Yay for smart people who know the innards of machines!
Jan and I enjoyed an amazing dinner at her house tonight--our own duo Fiesta! She made the most phenomenal spinach quiche ever, asparagus in ham, and a particularly wonderful salad, fruity and nutty and green. We decided we wouldn't trade our quiet little Fiesta for all the crowds in the parks and streets of our fair city this week.
On Saturday, the Pooch Parade will start at 8:00 by the Alamo Heights Pool--a stone's throw from our doors--and it will bring out hundreds of dogs, some in flower-festooned wagons, some wearing colorful costumes. Maybe I'll put a wreath of paper flowers around Luci's neck and experience some canine Fiesta.
Today, I've cleaned out every closet in the house today and started spring cleaning. I've walked Luci a couple of miles and watered my newly-planted beautiful back yard created by "My Garden Genie," the landscape artist Laren. After last year's freeze and the extreme heat destroyed most of the plants Will and Veronica planted three years ago, it's a thrill to walk outside and see baby blooms on the new plants. Soon, these small native plants will be lush and green and blooming Fiesta-colored flowers.
On Friday, Bonnie, Joy, Freda and I celebrated Freda's birthday at Jardin (at the Botanical Gardens). We sat outside under a big umbrella and ordered mezze plates--a variety of appetizer-sized Mediterranean dishes--delish! Joy made each of us a beautiful pin of a Ukrainian sunflower.
Freda, Bonnie and Joy |
On Wednesday, Luci visited Janet and her three pups, Mia and Val and Molly. I left her there while I met my new tax preparer, a trial for her upcoming five days at Oglethorpe Doggie Camp. Janet--who loves this pup almost as much as I do--was wonderfully generous in saying yes to keeping her while I travel to Virginia later this month. [Her exact words: "Yes, yes, yes!]
Janet sent me these reassuring photos to let me know that Luci was just fine in my absence. Since Jan reports hearing howling at the window when I leave Luci alone, I was afraid she might do the same at Janet's window--but she looks happy as can be!
Before my blog went into spasms of indecipherable letters and symbols, I had wanted to write a HAPPY BIRTHDAY message to my friend-of-69-years, Betty Killebrew Davis. This is the year we turn 74, but she arrived there in March, half a year ahead of me.
Since she balks at the mention of photos, I'll have to rely on an oldie to wish her a Happy Birthday this year.
That's Betty in the winter coat. I'm telling her something apparently hilarious and Bob is smoking a pipe. He has recently chosen to drop out of kindergarten. Betty and I are in second grade and we're all standing in front of our framed house on Ann Street. The man in the background is Betty's daddy Charlie. The man behind the camera is my daddy Lloyd.
Betty's house is four blocks away. Her phone number is 6627. Mine is 2059. Rotary phones, one per house, four digits to dial.
We started talking when we were five and she's the main cause of my having to write "I will not talk" a hundred times a day through elementary school. There's just so much to say to a best friend whose desk is right across the aisle in almost every grade!