
Saturday, July 31, 2021

"Don't push it"

So many things to do, so little time.....

With the recent change in the new COVID variant, and the fact that some are vaccinated, some not, we're back at the stage of not knowing what to do. 

I've been pushing (mentally) to try my trip to Georgia and one to Virginia again,  but it's not happening until there are more indications of safety. "Don't push it," Carlene said. "Phone conversations are almost as good as a visit."

Then I talked to a friend who said her lesson of the week, in other areas, is: "Don't push it.  Let it just happen when the time is right."

I learned that pushing it too hard in physical therapy had backfired and actually slowed my progress.  My doctor said, "Don't push it. Do easy gentle things and you'll get there just as fast." 

I'm finding that I can only do so much on a given day.  When I've done however much that is, I'm done.  I take a nap and watch a couple of episodes of "The Cook of Castamara," a good Spanish series similar to "Downton Abbey" but with subtitles, more sex, and more treachery. 

Luci doesn't put demands on herself, though she does try every trick in the dog book to get me outside to walk and throw a ball.  When I get in the bed, turn off the phone, and take a nap, she's asleep faster than I am.  She's a girl who goes with the flow. 

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