
Monday, August 9, 2021

Recently, a woman walking her big dog said, "Your dog has a resplendent tail!"  While I know the word, I don't believe I've ever used it, certainly not heard it as a descriptor for a tail.  And so I looked it up: 

Late Middle English from Latin resplendent- ‘shining out’, from the verb resplendere, (expressing intensive force) + splendere ‘to glitter’.

For such a small dog, she does indeed have a tail that looks like it belongs on a big dog--thick and white and "shining out."  

She also has a look of mischief in her eyes.  One day last week, I left the pantry door open.  Shortly thereafter, I heard a crinkly sound.  Went to look and found she'd taken out her red bag of Pup-Peroni treats and was having herself a Pup-Peroni party on the rug. 

Yesterday on a walk, we wound up in a large green space with hills.  Even though it wasn't entirely fenced in, I decided to take her off leash and see what she'd do.  She ran around  and around (with glittery joy), up and down, in doggie heaven, her resplendent tail wagging wildly.  Even though it made me a bit nervous, it was wonderful to see her in her element, wild for a while, not tethered to a leash, running like the wind.  

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