
Sunday, August 24, 2014

What are you reading?

In San Antonio, where it's presently too hot to do anything but stay inside my cave and read and watch movies, I have four books going at once:

Carlene recommended a five-book series, a novel actually, starting with The Walk.  I'm halfway through the first.   A man in Seattle loses everything--his wife, his house, his business--and sets out walking across America, heading to Key West as his ultimate destination.

Then there's Shooting Yourself--a book about taking "selfies with attitude"--which I plan to use in writing groups as a stimulus for autobiographical writing.

Map Art is a book about making maps as art--just as the title suggests.  I've been wanting to play with maps, realizing that until recently I haven't consulted maps much, and now I'm finding them fascinating.  I love Googling places on the map and looking at satellite views of places I've been.

And Outlanders, my gift book from Sandy, is the first in a series of nine books.  I'm halfway through the first of that book as well.

Reading fiction and nonfiction, back and forth, with my phone turned off (because I stayed up tip 2:00 reading) and a napping sign on the door, I am going to spend today working through my stack of books and traveling back and forth from Seattle (where The Walk starts) to Scotland (where Outlanders begins.)

I read the Kindle sample of Round House last night and am putting that on my library reserve list as soon as I finish these.  Louise Erdrich is an excellent writer and this is a book that has often been recommended by my reading friends.

Ah--what a delicious way to spend a Sunday morning!

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