
Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Warmth of Other Suns

"Across the South, someone was hanged or burned alive every four days from 1889 to 1929, according to the 1933 book The Tragedy of Lynching, for such alleged crimes as stealing hogs, horse-stealing, or trying to act like a white person. One was killed for stealing seventy-five cents."

The Warmth of Other Suns (The Epic Story of America's Great the most impactful and detailed history/character study I've ever read on this time period.

It's a long book, and I have miles to go, but her writing and mastery of historical details have already convinced me that it should be required reading for all Americans, especially now--when horrific  echoes of racism are being heard again in states including, but not limited to, the Southern ones.

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