
Saturday, July 20, 2024

International "Travel"

Today I got a facial from a lovely Israeli woman who has also lived in Kuwait and Jordon.  

Moon and her sister Moony (new window friends at McDonalds) are from Bangladesh; one wears an orange head scarf the other a green one.  

My next door neighbors are Noreen and Martin, she from Palestine.  First thing every morning and last thing at night, I get a text from her with lots of hearts. On Monday, we're hoping to have a playdate for Tessi and Luci. 

Last week, Bob and Jocelyn enjoyed a good Greek dinner at Noreen's restaurant, Real Olive.  The hummus and baklava were the best I've ever had. 

Shopping for sunglasses, I met Tanja, a woman who moved here from Germany twenty years ago and taught herself English. We bonded--as happens at least once a day--over our shared love of little dogs. 

Will, Bonnie, Nathan and Elena just got back from a three week trip to Spain, Portugal and Morocco, so I'm just trying to do a bit of humble traveling in Gwinnett County.  

I know, I know, it's not the same, but it's wonderful to explore my old hometown much changed. When I left Lawrenceville in 1967, it was a pretty. homogenous town. Now it's a mini United Nations. 

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