
Monday, June 14, 2021

Happy Monday

I'm feeling much stronger today.  I'm walking more naturally and had a huge milestone--I can now get into and out of the bathtub by myself for a real bath!  Yoo-Hoo!

Janet came over today to help me with physical therapy and brought Val.  Those two dogs ran each other ragged. 

Bob and Jocelyn sent me a soft comfortable foam pad  intended for knee exercises.

Luci, the diva, thinks it's for her.  If anyone but me attempts to use it, she puts her paw on it as if to say "Mine!" 

Luci and Val fight and kiss and make up and fight some more, and Luci loves chewing on Val's bandana:

Before and after physical therapy, Luci curls up with her head on my knee.  How does she know what hurts and how to make it better? From the day we came home from rehab, she's been very attentive to my knee and sleeps at night curled against my leg under the covers. 

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