
Friday, June 24, 2022

Six Bullies Change America

In the last year of his Presidency, Obama was not allowed to nominate a judge for SCOTUS.  The Republicans obstructed it.  Then Trump came along and chose three conservative judges--and we see today where that got us.

Only 33% of American people agree with this decision, yet six judges overturned Roe vs. Wade.  I cringe when I hear "pro-lifers" speak sanctimoniously about what a good thing this is.  They talk about someone they know who had an abortion and "regretted" it. But that person had a choice.  Nobody forced them to end a pregnancy.

Clarence Thomas, one evangelical woman, and four other male judges.  Who are these people? 

Rachel Maddow's show tonight gives an excellent overview of the past four decades of linking politics with the most conservative politicians to overturn Roe   Fifty years ago,  when Roe was passed, it was supported by many churches, including the Southern Baptists.

But now, in spite of the fact that only a minority of Americans favor banning abortions, six people had the power to inflict their moral opinions on everyone else.  And so they did.  

If these bullies were really "pro-life," wouldn't they be changing gun laws to protect already born children? What they are is pro-power--but only their own. 


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