
Sunday, July 26, 2015


I just had a long, invigorating conversation with my artist friend Barbel Helmert in Albuquerque.  She used to live in my neighborhood, which I loved, but she's now very happy in her home in New Mexico.

"Do you know what we would do if you were here?" she asked.  "We would go to Sophia's for breakfast and then we would go to the museum where they have a terrific show--you would love it!--on high-heeled shoes."

She has been to the exhibit three times and here she is sitting in a shoe, looking amazing in her orange pants!

Barbel is turning 68 in September--a year ahead of me.  It's always fun to talk to her--about books, websites, movies, exhibits, and life.

We're both intent on keeping stress low, doing our best to feel good, and enjoying this age we are to the hilt.  "I'm proud of my age," she said.

"Even with our quirks...." I started to say.

"Excuse me!" she said.  "We are perfect!"

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