
Friday, February 12, 2016

Pain in the neck

Years ago, I remember reading in some New Age book that we should pay attention to the language of our symptoms.  According to that book, many of our non-physical complaints have physical corollaries.  If we "need to get something off our chests," and if we say someone or something is a "pain in the neck" (or other bodily part), watch out for symptoms arising in the chest or neck!

Yesterday, I got my Skin and Bone house checked, poked, and x-rayed. My only complaint was a persistent pain in the neck.  I've been treating it with chiropractic and hot packs.  If the language of symptoms has meaning beyond the obvious, I'm wondering, what could possibly be a "pain in the neck" in my life?  I don't know....

I love my doctor, Dr. Heller.  She takes her time, she covers all the bases, and she talks like a real person.  She showed me a big bruise on her arm, for one thing, and warned me that taking a baby aspirin a day (which she recommended I start doing) will result in easy bruising like it's done for her.

She ordered an MRI, but the x-rays of my neck area showed what looks like osteoarthritis--the crooked wings on the discs touch each other instead of keeping their distance as the discs on younger people do.  When the MRI office person called today to schedule the procedure, she asked me if I were claustrophobic or if I'd do okay with a washcloth over my face for half an hour.

My lab numbers were pretty good, even my bone density test--thank goodness.  But, in addition to the MRI,  it's time to do the dreaded 10-year colonoscopy, see a dermatologist, a rheumatologist, an ophthalmologist, and the dentist, which I've spent today scheduling.

Dr. Heller recommended continued chiropractic work with the excellent Emily Oliver and a return to yoga for stretching out the crowded discs and strengthening the core.  She recommended a light dose of statins for cholesterol, upping the dose of Vitamin D and drinking more water--along with lots of lotion after a shower for dry skin.

It's amazing how much time and work go into the maintaining of one aging body! Since my body and my house are exactly the same age, I know.  Electrical circuits can stop sending the signals they are supposed to send. Walls can crack.  Locks can break. Plumbing can stop up.

Some of a house's ills can be covered with the cosmetics of paint.  Some can be fixed.  And some you just have to start calling the charms of age, and love them the best you can.

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