
Thursday, October 6, 2016

First night in a Tiny House


One night in a 98-square-foot tiny house (romantic as it may sound, in principle) is enough to make me reconsider the upsides of cheap motels.

There are Tiny Houses and there are Tiiiii-ny houses.  This one nestled in a mountain forest near Asheville is the latter: 98-square-feet.  Compost toilet.  A sleeping loft that you can only get to by a ladder with no handles and no light switch when you get there.

You get the picture.


I have never laughed so much in my entire life.

For example....

Mike was taking inventory of the kitchen this morning.  "Ten knives for a fourteen-foot-house?  And cans of gluten-free soup?  A coffee grinder with an assortment of special beans. This is what every rich hippie needs!"

When we arrived, we observed every tee-nincy element of cuteness and walked to the nearby pond and fed the pet donkey, then we each brought in a change of clothes and toothbrush and read the entries in the guest book.  Every single one "loved" this place and found it "inspiring."

Most tiny houses (in the Tiny House movement) average about 400 square feet--and that was what we were expecting.  My bad--I didn't read the small print!

I am seriously ladder-challenged.  But there was no choice.  I had to climb a tiny ladder to get into bed and remember not to sit up during the night.  When the inevitable happened, I had to descend in a very awkward manner to go to the bathroom.  "I'm not going up there again," I told Mike, and I settled into the sofa on the ground floor for the rest of the night.   Mike said I fell asleep because the whole house rocked with my snoring and the bears in the area hid out not knowing what kind of beast made that sound.

I don't believe that part, however.

All I wanted tonight was a big room, a big bed, and a bathtub and we found all that in a charming Mom and Pop motel in Abington, Virginia, where I am about to soak for an hour in the bathtub.

We're driving up Highway 81 toward Falls Church tomorrow.

In my next post, I'll include pictures of the tiny house.  We had a great day in Jonesborough, Tennessee, where the National Storytelling Convention is commencing.  We met fun people everywhere we went including a Philadelphia couple who told us good places to go when we get there.

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