
Monday, May 8, 2017

Heading for Port Aransas

Some days are just about perfect.  Today was one of those days.

My Monday night writing group was such a pleasure, as always!  We have a new member, my friend Roberta, who was a student in one of my UTSA classes over 20 years ago!

My Monday noon yoga class, taught by Barbara, was wonderfully relaxing and good preparation for following a five-year-old on the beach for a couple of days.

I went to War-Mart after writing group and bought beach chairs, beach towels, a swimsuit for myself, shorts, and bread for the sea gulls.  The car is packed with library books, some about beach trips, and snacks for me and my traveling companion.

When I walked out of the library hauling 20 books, one slipped and fell.  The man who picked it up grinned and said, "That's what you get for being so greedy."

Greedy or not, here we come, Beach!

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