
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

I had appointments to see two of my three Stone Oak doctors today and left early to be there in time for the pulmonology appointment, made it on time, got excellent results from all the tests, and then used the time between to shop and check things off my list.

I made it to the second one early, sat in the waiting room over an hour talking to a man about moles in Panama, and then discovered that I was in the wrong doctor's office!

So I go back to that one on Thursday and had to schedule the other one for June.  This is what happens when I try to multi-task, I guess!

Last night's writing group was terrific and I felt really good.  Then today, shortly after telling the pulmonologist how good I felt, my fingers started to swell like sausages and the pain returned full force for the rest of the day.

CREST is also called limited scleroderma--and requires annual heart and lung tests to make sure it's not turning into full-fledged systemic scleroderma. So far so good--as my breathing tests and lung scan showed no damage.

But the pain--when it hits--is pretty bad.  I have to gauge everything I do around how I feel on a particular day. Today, as it happens, is a not-doing-much kind of day.

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