
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

iPhone Photography School. PS

This class is excellent--very well organized and clear.  Emil, the young teacher, is from Latvia and has a slight accent, but he's completely understandable and gives great examples.

I'm only in Module 2 and I'm amazed at how much the iPhone camera can do.  With simple swipes, there are commands and controls I never even knew were in there!

This class lasts several hours--there are 8 modules--so you definitely get way more than your money's worth and can keep the class and view it as many times as you like.

At the beginning of the class, you can download many pages--these pages go along with each lecture, so you don't even have to take notes.

This is by far the best photography class I've ever taken.  I like doing it on my own, at my own pace, pausing if necessary, and even watching some lessons in each module again.

You will learn how to edit with a free app, Snapseed, and how to take brilliant panoramas and even how to use your earphones to snap pictures from a distance if you want to put your phone on a tripod for stability.

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