
Sunday, June 17, 2018

My brilliant neighbor

Makken and Jan were home alone yesterday, and Makken decided he wanted to sew.  So Jan--being the excellent and brilliant grandmother she is--asked him what he wanted to make.

A cat, of course!

So then she asked him to draw the cat--which being the artist he is, he did.

Then he chose the fabric, a gold silk--the most difficult of fabrics to sew upon.  He didn't want the velvet or any of the other of her quilting scraps, just gold silk!

So while Jan made cherry clafoutis out of cherries given to us by other neighbors,  Makken drew his pattern and voila!  He has a stuffed silk cat and cherry clafoutis--and I now know what clafoutis is: something like a German pancake batter poured over pitted cherries!

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