
Thursday, November 10, 2022

Edward's rusty brown truck was in my driveway for two days.  His pokey pace can be unnerving if you're in a hurry, but he cleaned both the house and casita well enough for anybody's white glove inspection. He's been painting and handy-manning for me for ten years.  Jan, however, is not willing to put up with his talkativeness, frequent smoke breaks, and taking all day to do a job that could have been done in half the time.  I get it.  Some days I say, "Never again," but at the end of the day, I'm happy with his work and trying to keep the house shiny until my family from Virginia arrives next Friday. 

"Don't worry," he said.  "I'll come, no charge, and do touch ups before they arrive." 

The minute he left, Jan texted me: I just poured myself a glass of wine and was wondering if you could use a little alcohol given two days of Edward and all the election hoopla fear mongering.

I happily took her up on her offer.  I walked over and we sat on our porch and watched the pooches play in the dark yard, then she offered to walk Luci for me and the three of them headed out, flashlight in Jan's hand, for a walk around the block. 

I woke up the next morning to "no red wave."  Beto and Stacy didn't make it, but the overall results are not as bad as we'd feared. Maybe a lot of people are tired of the Trump game? And many didn't want their freedom curtailed?  Time will tell.  But for now, I'm going to focus on the fact that we didn't get a nationwide shellacking! 

Today was a lovely day--a belated birthday lunch with Freda and Joy and Bonnie!  Cappy's had shrimp and grits and everyone was in a good mood, even the one who's facing hip surgery in a few days.  There's a light at the end of the tunnel of hip pain, and we're all celebrating that in advance.  We were laughing so hard at her napkin antics that a man came over and said, "I see where I should be sitting!  Laughter is the best medicine." 

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