
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday in Texas

After lunch at Adalantes with my friend Chris and her friend, Caroline,
 I came home to find this
special handmade postcard in my mail slot--from Nellie!
"You said you liked postcards," she wrote on the back.
This one--like her Christmas bird--is a treasure, soon to be framed! 

While I was napping, Linda Quintera--
who's busy packing for her upcoming move to Hondo--
delivered this plaque and left it on the front porch.
Two gifts from artists in one day!  I feel so lucky!

Here's Jackson arriving at the airport after his week-long trip to Colorado!
His little brother, Marcus, as you can see, is thrilled to have his best friend back!

Capping off a day of good things,
Jan (and her two grandsons)  brought me leftovers from their dinner--
and I have nothing to do now but relax and finish reading the Panda book.

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