
Sunday, August 28, 2016

A flock of blue flamingos on my street this morning

I just caught a glimpse of these fluorescent-yellow-beaked birds--two rows of them, each row standing at attention, each row looking in a different direction, with a few random rebels about.

Curious, isn't it, what people want?

According to Pam's friend Ellie (mother of her friend Zet), "If you want something, it's what your soul wants and you better go get you some."  I'm guessing the people at 411 Ogden want them some flamingos.

Yesterday I set out looking for a sofa and wound up in Dripping Springs.  Sue at Bygones had told me about a huge fabric store there and I drove there, solo, to get me some.

I now have enough swatches I could make me a patchwork sofa.  I get up in the night and arrange them on old chairs.  Finally at one in the morning, it all clicks and I know which ones to keep and which ones to toss in Elena's fabric box.

What Mike wants is to take old rusty things and restore them to mint condition.  He bought an old rocket from Frank from San Antonio's former Playland Park:

Then he painted it, upholstered it, and even had the original decals reproduced--Atomic Jet. Next step, it gets an engine and will really rock and roll!

Whatever you want this Sunday morning, go out and get you some!

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