
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Carma's 1st Birthday, Luci's 2nd--May 1st.

So Jan decided to make May 1st Carma's birthday, so I jumped on board and made it Luci's 2nd. Forevermore, these two girls will share their birthdays--though we actually have no idea when or where they were born.  Neither has a pedigree. 

If Luci had a puppy book--which she sort of does in this blog--I would note her accomplishments at two years old like this.....

She knows these sentences:

"You stay, I'll be right back."

"Come." (though she doesn't always do it)

"Dance." (she dances on her hind feet for a few steps)

"Hop in." 

"No bite.  No.  Stop."

"Good girl."

"I love you."

"Let's go outside." 


"Go get your ball." 

She does not, however, understand "Sit."  That's a hard one for her, but we're working on it with bites of bacon. 

Whenever I say "Sit," she either dances or puts her front paws on the ground with her bum in the air.  

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