
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Another wonderful day--doing what I love and loving what I do

My Saturday writing group grew by two members today--and both are excellent additions to our lively group!  Sometimes I can't believe I get to do exactly what I love doing--and in my own backyard.

One of our new members told us about Brazil nuts as a sleep aid and dream-enhancer--so I went straight to Central Market and got me some.

Then I went to my favorite restaurant in the 'hood and had some zucchini quesadillas and played Solitaire on my phone.  Adalante's has a new bumper sticker: Enlightenment, One Taco at a Time.  I think I may need to get me one of those.

Certain places just have the right feel when you want to visit with a friend or enjoy a few moments of solitude, and Adalantes (North New Braunfels and Brees) is that perfect place for me.  I've been going there for years and love sitting in those turquoise booths with all the folk art around and eavesdropping on the conversations at surrounding tables.

My Solitaire has a Hint Button.  Just when you think you've made all possible plays, the Hinter says, "Try this" and you do, often winning after all. Isn't that a pretty good analogy for problem solving?  You put it out there that you're stuck and somebody gives you just the right hint you need to find a solution.

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