
Friday, April 11, 2014

Something's Gotta Give

A digression from my spiritual journey, I am watching a good movie, again.  Diane Keaton (Erica) and Jack Nicholson (Harry) are right now in the pancake scene just before Harry and Marin (Erica's daughter) break up.

Here's what I'm noticing this second viewing: the whole movie's color palette replicates the colors of the ocean and the beach.  The interior of Erica's house in the Hamptons, Erica's and Harry's wardrobe, even the stuff in the refrigerator and the plates, the candles, the flowers--everything is mostly sandy off-whites with specks of ocean blues and the greens of beach grass.

With DK's trim and agile body, does anyone really think she eats pancakes in the middle of the night?

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