
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Father's Day

My friend Diana shared with me a blog by her friend, Sherry, who lives in Bali and leads writing workshops called "Writing For Self Discovery."

Today Sherry posted this poignant remembrance of her father who died in January:

My daddy never liked to do jigsaw puzzles, but he liked to sit and watch Carlene and me doing them. When we reached the end, there were always two or three pieces missing.  He watched us searching under everything for the missing pieces, a grin on his face, then he'd finally pull them out of his pocket, case solved!

Last week, Carlene did a jigsaw puzzle on her porch.  She texted me that she liked it so much she wanted to glue the surface and keep it--EXCEPT that one piece was missing!

Today she found the lost piece under the sofa cushion (after looking there several times already)  and wrote me this text:

"He never stuck with a puzzle to the end, but he liked to be in the room with us snitching pieces....I found everything I lost this week--puzzle piece, charm off bracelet, and passport to get my new drivers license--hid from myself so I wouldn't be tempted to leave the country! I know now how it works...Be real still for about 15 minutes and it comes like a clue and then you look there and find it even if you looked there once or more and it wasn't there.  I hope he is still somewhere in the house!!"

I'm pretty sure he is....

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