
Friday, June 10, 2016

Moon Pies and Mosaics

Two days ago, I found a box of six Moon Pies at Big Lots and decided to add one each to the welcome package for each of my grandchildren when they are all here together in August.  I don't even like Moon Pies all that much, but somebody in my house of one ate every single Moon Pie, scraping out the marshmallow filling to balance the calorie intake, I'm sure.  (Well, five; I gave one to the window woman at Whataburger when she gave me a free coke.)

Today, I went to three or four thrift shops and bought plates in bright colors, came home and whacked the heck out of them with a hammer.  They are now in pretty pieces in a container, awaiting the day I will put them all together in a mosaic.  Mike bought me a stainless steel piece of an airplane at YeYa's last time he was here and I'm going to turn it into a mosaic totem pole.

After all that whacking, I went--solo--to see Friends and Lovers, a movie that had gotten positive ratings, but which left me sleepy.

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