
Friday, July 1, 2016

Friday morning

A few years ago I was engaged with an independent publisher who was going to publish my book entitled A ROAD OF ONE'S OWN.  We broke up over the title.  "Nobody is going to buy a book with that title," she said.

So imagine my surprise when Linda Kot sent me a link to a book called A MIND OF YOUR OWN....
that, according to Amazon is selling quite well.  Granted the ONE'S is not the same as YOUR, and MIND is not the same as ROAD, but we are both echoing Virginia Woolfe's words--that "every woman writer should have money and a room of her own."

A MIND OF ONE'S OWN is about depression and I just ordered a sample on my Kindle app; the reviews are quite good.  I think the title is excellent!

Just got back from the Alamo Heights Fire Station where they tested my blood pressure; it's down from 188 to 158 but still very high for me.  I'm parking myself in my bed for the day before I do any more verbal damage out in the world.

This morning, I was mean to the washers at Car Wash for leaving trash in the car and vacuuming badly.  "Well, you could buy the super wash for $50," they said.

To that I replied, expletives deleted, "Every $20 car wash should be a super wash."

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