
Monday, December 9, 2019

"Creating a Life That Fits Like Skin"

Sherry, a featured blogger on "Sixty and Me," is my friend Diana's friend from their former life in Minnesota.

She leads "Writing for Discovery" workshops and lives in Bali now, and writes blog posts and describes her life in Bali:

When women of sixty-plus pick up and move to another country (as Barbel is about to do in moving to The Netherlands), I think: what courage it must take to start over on a new continent.

"Sixty and Me" is a collection of blogs written by women over sixty.  Women who are starting over, having adventures, traveling, cooking, making art, performing.

Sherry's blog subtitle: "Creating a Life That Fits Like Skin" is brilliant, I think!  Skin fits close to the bone, it covers all manner of unattractive but essential organs, and while it may tighten or loosen under various circumstances, it's rare that it just hangs there with pockets filled with excess stuff.  People recognize us by the shape, color, and texture of our skin.

Jan and Lorraine and I had a conversation yesterday about having the courage to say no to things we don't really want to do.  On Saturday, Becky and Kara and I had a similar conversation.

As we get older, we really do want our lives to fit like skin instead of flapping around in an oversized calendar box of appointments and duties and obligations.

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