
Monday, December 9, 2019

Limited visibility

Thick fog this morning is like natural Gesso, whiting out everything but the Christmas lights in yards and on Broadway, as I drive toward and then down Austin Highway.

The neon orange pegasus atop a shop at the corner of Broadway and Austin Highway.  White lights draping from trees.  Lights starting to come on in houses, people stretching and making breakfast.  A few early morning dog walkers.

I hear on NPR that visibility is limited to about a hundred yards and people are advised to leave early for work.

I love this season in San Antonio!


Every morning, between 2:15 and 3:15, I wake up with my leg hurting from sciatica (self-diagnosed.) I heat up a heating pad in the microwave, take some pills, and go get my morning caffeine and call Carlene.  She's up, I know, because she already sent me an email about how much fun she's having watching these videos I'm sending her.

I'm reading an excellent book Jan gave me--The Portable Veblin--and the heating pad is one she made me years ago.  For our gathering at Lorraine's, Jan took a picnic lunch of sandwiches, cut vegetables, chips, and chocolate cake.  Lorraine got some good Juba Juices.

We talked about eating more anti-inflammatory foods, so I came home and got out my Vitamix and recipes for green drinks.  I went to the all-night Wal-Mart and got spinach and blueberries and almond milk, so I'm all set.

Here is Elena in Dallas, taking notes in her journal
of everything she sees.

And here is Marcus, my cherub of a grandson in
Virginia at the Falls Church band concert.
Will and Veronica and Elena went to Dallas this weekend.  The daughter of one of Veronica's oldest friends is gravely ill--a fourteen-year-old girl with complications of flu.

While Veronica was sitting with Olivia's mother in ICU, Will and Elena joined Jade--Elena's second cousin who lives in Dallas--for flower girl dress fittings.

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