
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Rock the Nation Blue

Thousands and thousands of people are painting rocks blue and leaving them in yards in their neighborhood, little mini signs supporting Biden and Harris.  I think this is a terrific idea and I'm putting this at the top of my Elena and Yenna Sunday list of fun things to do.

Another winner of an idea came from Kate who knows more about cleaning (and a lot of other things) than just about anybody I know.  When a serving of asparagus was spilled on my upholstered dining chair last night, I called Kate.  Of course, she knew just what to do.  Sprinkle cornstarch on it! The chair is now like brand new.

It was a stressful day with some sunny moments, but I made a big dent in my list of practical things that needed doing and neglected the painting I'd been wanting to do.  Tomorrow....

I could watch Lyn Belisle's and Jane Davies' videos nonstop.  They inspire me so much that I wake up in the middle of the night raring to try a new thing.  But I don't go to the casita after dark--as I prefer not to run into the skunk who's always slinking around the yard waiting to scare me. 

Alternately with art videos, I'm watching shows about dogs.  Guide dogs, puppies, you name it. But on this one day, I wonder: when would I have had an hour to attend to a dog? And would the dog I imagine naming Luca or Luna help me paint rocks blue? 

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