
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Camp Jannie

This exclusive camp offers so many amenities.  Luci is being picked up this morning for her six days of fun and love while Will and I enjoy the graduation festivities of Marcus in Falls Church, Virginia.  Pick up and delivery services are free, as is--actually--the whole week of camp with her god-parents and sisters. 

Ever since I put my suitcase on the bed in the guest room,  Luci has been acting differently.  She knows something is up.  She doesn't see her carrier ready for packing, and she's not sure yet where she's going, but I'm pretty sure by nightfall, she and Val will have had an active day of play-fighting and romps. 

Janet sent me a picture of Val with this caption: If there were ever an image of a dog praying, it would be Val thinking “please, bring Luci back.”


Luci has been following me from room to room, licking me obsessively, and refusing to eat her usual food.  She's watching my every move and eyeing me with suspicion. 

Maybe she doesn't want me to know what a great time she's going to have, with Janet and Bill and three of her favorite furry friends.  Maybe it's she who's going on a grand adventure and she doesn't want me to feel bad that I wasn't invited? 

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