
Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Three As of Awesome

I've never actually been to a Ted Talks event in person, but I often find myself going there on the screen for inspiration and insight and wisdom.

Today's talk (the link sent to me by Carlene) is called "The Three As of Awesome" and you can watch it here:

Neil Pasricha believes that Awesome comes from attitude, awareness, and authenticity.  He wrote a blog about Awesome, then a book--and what started as a little blog only (read by his mother) grew into a blog that attracted thousands of people every day.

Attitude, he says, is the choice to take baby steps into the future, even after you've been knocked down.

Awareness is getting in touch with your own inner three-year-old and trying to see everything around you with the freshness and attention three-year-olds show when they look at a bug or a flower or a person they've never seen before.

Authenticity: If we are real, we meet other real people who like and value things we do.  Doors open for real people that would never open if we're so busy trying to be who someone else thinks we should  be. He uses Rosie Greer as an example of authenticity: A big macho football player who openly loved needlepoint.

I'm inspired.  I think that writing down one awesome thing a day could help me see more like Elena and Audrey and Makken see.  A tape measure, an umbrella, a field of bluebonnets, or a new face: everything in the eyes of a child is remarkable and new.  Every fish and flower, every bud popping out on a tree, every seed in a pomegranate--every single thing is awesome.

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