
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The question before the house...

This morning, GrandeCom took all morning to hook me up--the first time in several years that I've had regular TV.  This deal comes with a TIVO box that allows me to record programs, fast forward, and all that--none of which I plan to do., but who knows?  Either way, it's going to be a culture shock--turning on the TV and seeing what's on live.  I'm remembering the stations I like to watch on motel TVs--CNN, MSNBC, HGTV, PBS--and planning to enjoy my 30 day trial and see what's now playing.

As I was cleaning out drawers today--due to the delivery of a beautiful new piece of furniture--I found, much to my chagrin, a passport that doesn't expire for two years!  So in a couple of weeks I will have two valid passports for two years, one of which will last for ten years.  I have no memory of updating my passport in 2009--though now that I think of it, that must have been the year I renewed the old one to go to Montreal.  I will just chalk it up as a temporary memory lapse--or disorganization.

At Middle Georgia College, a political science professor  began every class with these words, "The question before the house is...."   He had a deep, serious, Virginia-accented voice and he pronounced house so that it almost rhymed with noose.  I don't remember a single question he raised,  just his daily opening words.  I wonder now if perhaps he fancied himself the Speaker of the House, his students members of Congress.

But I think of those words often when I'm faced with any question.   "The question before the house today  is...." What's on TV these days besides The Donald and Hillary?  (I have to read a whole welcome package booklet to figure out how to use the remote control.)

Good things today:  Gerlinde got reassuring news from a medical test--and can now take a trip to Germany!  Carlene had a stress test and passed with flying colors!

Good things yesterday:  Cindy invited me to join her at her son's house for a delicious dinner; Kate and Charlotte helped me (that is, did it all themselves) move in a new table, extending my kitchen counter space by six feet: and Pam came to say "Ah-Woo!" when my new hutch from the estate sale was delivered.  (Carlene always says it's important to have a friend come say that when you get a cool new thing.)  And yesterday was Day and Tom's 19th anniversary.

Good thing tomorrow: Joy is driving all the way in from Medina Lake to take me to get a cortisone shot in my neck--which, hopefully, will relieve the pain from a pinched nerve.  The good things are the hope that it will work and Joy being with me for as long as it takes!

Good thing right now: The cable guy is gone and I can take a long, long nap....

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