
Monday, December 29, 2014

Feeding Seagulls

When we left Slidell this morning, we drove the coastal Highway 90 through 20 miles of fog.  We'd thought we might ferry over to Dauphin Island near Mobile so we could look at the colorful houses there, but the fog was too thick to have seen them.

So we got out at a beach in Long Island, Mississippi, where a nice woman offered to take our pictures together.  The beach was covered with seagulls.  When Mike went to the car, they seemed to know he was going for food.  The crackle of the wrapper got their attention and they hovered near the truck waiting.

A few bold ones took the chips out his hand; most waited for crumbled chips and caught them mid-air.  One ill-tempered one just walked around barking at the others.  "There's one in every crowd," Mike said.

Not far from where our gulls were feasting on HEB tostado chips, another bunch of gulls went about their business, never horning in on the action--as if they had agreed before our arrival which bird-village would get the new guys and their stale chips.

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