
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Ham and Egg Pie

My top favorite comfort food is probably Carlene's ham and egg pie--which was also Mimi's.  With some leftover ham from Thanksgiving and some boiled eggs, it's a snap to make.  Crust  on top and bottom, chipped ham and sliced eggs in a white sauce in the middle, it's as easy as proverbial pie.  (Carlene and Mimi made their crusts from scratch; I buy mine; there's a definite difference.)

Elena and I were watching Charlotte's Web on the laptop in bed.  I'd forgotten how sad it might be for a little girl, so I tried distracting her with pie making, but she wanted to watch to the end.

Then we made the pie and took a bath together while it cooled--though I didn't mention the origin of the ham part after an afternoon with Wilbur and Charlotte.

In the bath, she likes to tell me what her body parts are called in Spanish.  "In Spanish, we so."

"Does your daddy speak Spanish, too?" I asked, knowing he speaks a passable Spanish.

"Yes, but not very well yet.  I am learning him.  After I learn you."

Then we joined Will to pick up Nathan at Helotes Elementary--always deja vu for me since both my kids went there. After a week at his other daddy's house and a new baby sister there, Nathan and Elena were so excited to get back together again they couldn't stop hugging each other.  (Nathan now has four sisters, but he told Will he's "ready for a brother at this house.")

Back at the Pritchett house, before we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Will made rib-eyes on the grill, Elena pranced around the yard swinging her right arm, feeding her horses and playing with the hens.  Addison is her favorite of the chickens.

Elena and Addison

Putting hay in the horse's mouth
Feeding Yancey and Cinco

My little farm girl going back for another handful of hay
Fearless.  Never met an animal she didn't love

Just as I was about to leave, Nathan asked if I could stay just two more minutes, which turned into an hour of making a Lego kit on his bed.

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