
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Elena is three years old.

Three years ago tonight, our family got our little premie girl--weighing in at less than five pounds.  "She's a tough one," said the nurses in Neonatal ICU.

Today we celebrated her birthday with her chosen theme, Princess and Purple, and one of the firefighters dressed up as Prince Charming.

The cotton candy machine didn't work so well--what with the January breeze--so everyone was running around trying to catch wisps of sugar on their paper cones.

A fire started in the gas grill and smoke billowed everywhere, but we had seven firefighters on the scene.

The goat roamed around the party like a dog, petted by all the guests.  Someone brought a brand new rescue puppy and she was the best part of the party in Elena's eyes.  For a three-year-old, princess  presents pale in the presence of puppies every time.

Sliding into Year Four

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