
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Our Lady of Traveling

When Carlene and I travel together, we call the voice on the GPS "our lady."

"What does our lady say?" one of us will ask, and we'll check the directions on the phone screen and activate her voice.

"In 200 yards, take a slight right...."

Because I so often veer off the path she's made for me, what I hear most often is "Recalculating."

Is it just me, or does everyone's Lady sound peeved when you ignore her directions?  After several wrong turns, does she give you the silent treatment--as if to say "You're impossible!  You're on your own now"?

In Ruidoso, I discovered this sweet turquoise bear just as Our Lady was recalculating:

Would you believe me if I told you Our Lady said "Get out and take a picture of that bear?"

I wrote a few days ago about how I look for a certain thing each day: 
18-wheelers, reflections, the color red...

Bear's Bow and Flag: those were among the Reds of This Week

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