
Thursday, September 26, 2013

The most important thing....

I'm not sure if I believe entirely in astrology--as I know little about it, except that I've been told that my sun sign is Libra, my moon in Pisces, Aquarius rising.  But I do enjoy--with my friend Julianne who is also a Libra, Rob Brezny's "Free Will Astrology"--so I brought along a copy of The Current so that Virgo Barbel and Libra Linda could read our sign news for the month.

The advice for Libra speaks to me during what could be a three-week journey--though actually I think it might apply to us all:

"The most important thing is to find out what the most important thing is," wrote Shunryu Suzuki in his book Zen Mind, Beginner Mind.   That's your assignment for the next three weeks.  Do whatever it takes to find out beyond any doubt what the most important thing is.  Meditate naked for an hour a day.  Go on long walks in the wildest places you know.  Convene intense conversations about yourself with the people who know you best.  Create and sign a contract with yourself in which you vow to identify the experience you want more than any other experience on earth.  No waffling allowed, Libra.  What is the single most important thing?"

Meditating naked: Haven't gotten around to that yet.

Walks in wild places: Definitely on the agenda.  Barbel and I love walking in old cemeteries and taking photographs.   Cemeteries are both sobering and full of love--as the families and friends cover the old graves with plastic flowers, stuffed animals, and other mementos.  New Mexico has thousands of road-side memorials as well, including bicycles painted white wreathed with flowers.  Barbel tells me these are called Ghost Bicycle, installed at the exact points where bicyclers have died in roadside accidents.

Intenses conversations--about ourselves, philosophy, politics, art, and travel: Barbel and I have been having these for the past three days and will continue today, Day Seven.

Waffling, however, is part of discovering what the most important thing is--so I shall waffle along as I continue to seek The Most Important Thing.

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