
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Georgia and Virginia in Two Days

On Friday morning, I'll be flying to Atlanta, visiting with family, then leaving for Virginia on Sunday morning, Carlene and I, driving, to spend some days with Day, Tom, Jackson, and Marcus!

After that, we'll return to Atlanta and I'll see Betty--and we hope to have a couple of days to play.  Then we'll go to Columbus to visit with Carlene's sister, Dot, and my cousin Mary Beth, whom I've not seen in decades.

I'm excited!  I'm SO ready for a road trip and seeing everybody and enjoying the road from Georgia to Virginia with Carlene.  Thanks to Gabi's amazing body work (NKT), I feel able to drive again and that is WAY better than the alternative I was considering a month ago: a new knee.

I'll be back in San Antonio on August 2nd.

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