
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Kids from Parkland Speaking Out

How heartening for the future to hear these Florida high school student survivors speaking out in public, more articulate and eloquent than most of the politicians we're accustomed to hearing on cable news!

One young student said, "We are just children, but we are not irrational.  We more than anyone else understand the violence that comes through these guns.  We more than anyone else know what it's like to grieve the deaths of our friends. "

Lobbying money from the NRA may speak to the established politicians, but not to these teenaged future voters who are vowing to do whatever it takes so that this "never again" happens.  Maybe this is a turning point--victims and friends of victims turning their anger and anguish into action, demanding action.

"We're tired of hearing about thoughts and prayers."

"We're tired of waiting."

"I understand what it's like to text your parents while locked in a closet: 'Goodbye.  I might not ever see you again.  I love you.'"

There will be a town hall meeting tonight.  Both Trump and Governor Rick Scott (and many more legislators) are "unable to attend."

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