
Friday, February 16, 2018

Thoughts and Prayers

I can't figure out how to get the picture from Facebook, but Jan told me Victoria posted this suggestion and I think it's brilliant:

We all write letters to our congressmen and include a check.  Instead of a cash amount, just write "thoughts and prayers"...along with a cover explanation:

Dear Representative or Senator So-And-So:

Since you and your colleagues in Congress seem to feel that this is the solution to mass murder, please accept this contribution. 

Signed: Yourself

After every mass murder in this country--in schools, the Florida nightclub, the Texas church, the Vegas concert, etc--Paul Ryan always says, "It's not time to talk" about changing gun regulations yet; we need more data, blah blah blah.....  "This is a conversation" for later.

We can "talk about" mental illness, but we can't touch gun regulations--and anyway, who's doing anything about mental illness?

Here--Victoria sent me the picture:

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