
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Learning to Love Oldishness

Jan and I have both had some health challenges lately, and when we have them, we're not the most cheerful women on the block.  Like yesterday at yoga: We love the restorative yoga class we take together on Fridays, but yesterday, the teacher chose to play some dirge-like Indian music and led us in some moves that were  difficult if you have joint or knee issues.  When we left, we both felt ancient and stiff and depressed!

This morning, Jan was walking Esan when I was coming back from my coke run.  Esan has gotten old, arthritic, blind and sometimes incontinent, and that in itself must be a challenge!  I still remember her when Jan first found her--a precious little puppy.

Yesterday she was writing a text to Kate about bringing something home for Esan--and auto-correct changed Esan to Edna.  So they've decided to call her Edna henceforth--as it's such a good name for a little old lady not in the best of health.

Turns out the boys like it and they all love Edna even more now that she has a name that befits her  "little old lady" status.

"We should do that for ourselves!" I said.  "Pick a name that goes with our oldishness and embrace it!"

Jan's going with her middle name, Louise.  I'm going with Lola.

As we talked about age and how we felt after yesterday's yoga she told me something that made me laugh:

One of her older friends, now deceased, told her once that she no longer wore eye make up.

"Why?" Jan asked.

To which Beverly replied, "You'll find out."

Nobody can tell you when you're young what growing older feels like, but when we stumble upon one or more of the signs of it, we find out!

I don't wear eye make up because I never really got the hang of it back when I could have seen to apply it without glasses, and now I don't even try.  But according to Jan (I mean, Louise)  there's another reason--besides the difficulty of seeing with your glasses off: Louise tells me that now eye make up finds every wrinkle and crease and courses down your face in unattractive black streaks!

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