
Saturday, October 31, 2015


Mike says that when he hears a rule, he parks it by the back door of his brain--and when a breeze blows through, out it goes.

He reminds me how often I consult my rule book.  Until I met Mike, I thought I was a free spirit, but I'm realizing I have quite a few rules installed in my hard-wiring.

I obey speed limits, precisely.  I pay my bills online the minute they arrive.  I am, as my kids once told me, "disgustingly punctual."  Library books are never over-due.  I stick to dates on the calendar and follow through with what I've promised to do.  I ask for permission and approval--for way too many things.  I check things off my list at the end of the day, giving myself a gold star for getting stuff done.

Writing group was scheduled for tomorrow and I was all set to obey the rule I made last month: First Sunday every month.  Then the rains came and two of us were hit by driveway-ripping waters. Other unexpected snags came up.  We wound up--after lots of emails and phone calls--changing the date to next week.

As I told my good friends in the Sunday writing group, I always feel like when I try to make a rule, the Universe laughs at me and messes with my plans!  Somewhere in my psyche is a schoolteacher (probably my third or first grade teacher) who tries really hard to Stick to the Plan and not upset anyone's apple cart or calendar.

But in reality, nobody cares all that much if you have to change the plan--or if they do, they are all flexible enough to say otherwise and roll with it.

I need to lighten up!  I need to haul a few things to the back door of my brain!  Because--really--when you get right down to it, a lot of rules and expectations need a breath of fresh air.  

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