
Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Today is going to be a Tuesday, I think.  

Yes, the 23rd of February, Charlotte's birthday.  Happy Birthday, Charlotte!  

I pulled a muscle and got up couple of hours ago to take an Advil.  Luci thought it was morning.  She came and jumped on me, doggie language for need-to-go. So I opened the door, and out she went, sniffing the ground for news of possums, skunks, and kitty-cats.   When she came back in, she mistakenly assumed it was playtime.  It was not. 

I curled up in bed and closed my eyes.  She walked around the bed to pick her spot.  She chose--uncannily!--the exact spot on my back where I needed a little bundle of heat and curled up her little deer-looking self against my pulled muscle.  Best physical therapy ever!

She runs like the wind and could, I believe, run nonstop for an hour--which is why I had a fence built.  If a runner passes, she's keen to join in on the fun. This little doxie-shelty-corgi is a speed machine.

If I outlive this amazing little dog, I'll never get another. Without hyperbole, I can say she is the best doggie ever!  If I close my eyes, she goes right to sleep.  Her favorite spot for people and animal gazing is on top of the dining table--a cuteness I don't discourage.  But she never gets on the table if I'm eating.  

Actually, I don't eat at the table very often--usually I have my meals on the sofa.  She curls up beside me and makes intense eye contact ("I'd love to have what you're having instead of that dry stuff in my bowl if you don't mind.") But she doesn't beg or touch my food, not ever.  If I do decide to give her a dime-size bite of bread, she takes it very gently in her tiny little mouth and eats it. 

When I get her leash and tell her I'm going to go get a coke, she runs to my bed and thinks she's hiding.  Unless I force the issue, she prefers never to go to McDonalds, though if it's night or later in the day, she'll happily go with me in the car.  When I come back from my coke run, she greets me with far more joy than the occasion deserves.  She's been waiting and looking out the window for me the whole time!

Even Elena, who loves all dogs and cats and horses and chickens, said, "Don't tell anybody but Luci is my favorite dog ever." 

This little dog is uniquely wonderful.  I wouldn't change a thing about her--except maybe her penchant for chewing shoes and socks.  Day sent me Cesar's book on puppy training and we'll get to that chapter at some point. 

I turned on Morning Joe just long enough to hear Joe's plug for "Call My Agent" so we're back in bed now and I'm hooked watching episode 1.  Unless you speak French, you'll have to read subtitles, but it's totally worth it and after a few minutes, you don't even notice that you're reading. 

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