
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Driving in a big, slow circle

After spending the morning visiting--in person and by phone--with several good people, I decided  to take a little nap and then leave at 3:00. Bad choice.

My plan was to get through Houston before morning traffic.  What was I thinking?

After two hours on the road, listening to the SERIAL podcast, I had only gotten as far as the downtown UTSA campus, fifteen minutes (normally) from home.   Traffic was at a standstill and it was starting to get dark, so I turned around and came back home, stopping for puffy tacos at Blanco Cafe.

San Antonio traffic is rarely that bad.  Apparently, there was a stalled 18-wheeler on the road ahead.  Or maybe it is often that bad and I'm just not out there to see it.

At any rate, I've decided to get some sleep and try again early in the morning, this time taking the Austin and I20 route instead of Houston.

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