
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Magical Makken

Jan and Makken awakened me from a nap with dinner--beet soup and blue cornbread--which is yummy even though I usually don't like beets.  Jan's kitchen magic turns every food she touches into delicious.

Another magic is that we have the same taste in books, and I'm now on the waiting list to read her copy of Anna Quindlen's Still Life With.Bread Crumbs.  (Jan said it reminded her of me--about a photographer who's our age.)

She's also loving, and I'm ordering, The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin.

But the best magic of the day, I have to say, is Makken!  This adorable child is a wonder to behold on any day! He entertained Jan and me with this totally-new-to-me trick:

He spotted two small balloons on the table (Elena and Nathan had drawn faces on them last night) and he proceeded to rub them on his hair and make them stick! Did you know that with a bit of static electricity and cheap balloons you can make Mickey Mouse ears?

Magical Makken had an appreciative audience of two grandmother as he he showed us how to stick balloons onto hair, nose, lamp, walls, and mirror.

I'm calling this my Magical Makken series:

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