
Monday, June 11, 2018

New Babies

This morning, driving back from my coke run, no camera in hand of course, I saw the most remarkable thing--two adult ducks (or was it geese?), grey in color and not very large, with about sixteen yellow and black striped (it looked like) babies following them in a straight line, oblivious to cars.  I guess they were on a training mission for following their mamas and they had taken the route that led them right through the traffic light!  Everyone stopped and looked. Amazingly, they had chosen a green light on their side as if they knew.  I will now do some online searching to figure out exactly what they were--unless Joy reads this first and sends me an email.  She'll know.

Another new baby at my house is a brand new laptop which I purchased yesterday, a couple of years too early.  My "new" laptop (three years old) had suffered an unfortunate collision with the floor a few days ago and seemed to have been fine.  But yesterday, the screen started turning black and I took it to the Apple store, remembering I had Apple Care, thinking it would go in for tech surgery and come back just fine.

Well, as it happens, Apple Care doesn't cover that kind of damage.

I could either spend half the cost of a new computer to have it fixed (and they might call to say they found other issues) or buy a new one, two years earlier than planned.  So now I have in my lap a brand new baby.

New Apple Care, for those of you who are shopping, does cover accidents, but it's more expensive than the care of three years ago.

I spent most of yesterday on the phone with Apple people--geniuses all--who helped me transfer data from the old computer to the new one, three phone calls in all, each lasting about an hour.  "Just don't let it go to sleep," one genius advised--making me think about the advice one gets when one's human baby is at risk of a concussion.

So I sat on my bed, phone in hand, following the circuitous routes of the motherboard with instructions from those who know computer mamas and woke up this morning to a healthy happy baby Mac.

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