
Thursday, November 12, 2015

I love this "country"

Elena still doesn't quite know the difference between a country and a neighborhood--and she calls my neighborhood "Yenna's country."

As I was driving to get my morning drink, the school-children at Cambridge were filing in and their parents and little sisters and brothers and dogs were heading back home.   I love watching little kids playing, the older ones sprinting away from their parents to meet their friends on the playground.  My grandchildren call the Cambridge playground the park--because it's where we walk to play when they visit.

Tuesday, when Elena was here, we visited Jan and Kate and the boys next door.  Sebastien and Makkin were playing with their friend Rory.  As we were leaving, a young neighbor walked by with her dog, Chloe, and all four children ran out of the house to pet the puppy.

Later, Charlotte and Kate came over and included her in every conversation--much to Elena's pleasure.

As they were leaving, Will said, "All of Yenna's friends are so nice, right?"  Elena said, "Yes, everyone in this country is nice!"

Claire, Chole, Rory, Elena, Sebastien and Makkin

Sebastien and Makkin

I love living in a country of children and puppies--where instant friendships are formed every day.

While Marcus in Virginia continues to have occasional allergic reactions to Maisy, the good days seem to be outnumbering the allergy days.  It's looking like Maisy is a keeper in their country!

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