
Monday, December 3, 2018

Writing the Unthinkable....

Nellie sent me a link last night to a Ted Talk by Lynda Barry, the writer and cartoonist: "Writing the Unthinkable."

"Who was your first crush?" she asked.  Audience members were asked to call out the initials of the name of that person.  A noisy response.

"Who was your third crush?" she asked.  Not so noisy.

It was four in the morning when I watched it, and I'll watch it again later today after a doctor's appointment and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY lunch for Kate's birthday.  (Happy Birthday, Kate!)

But for now, ask yourself: "Who WAS your first crush?  Who was your third?"

And what does the vividness of a memory have to do with "writing the unthinkable"?

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